Lotions and Potions Event

Refill Goodness

A frighteningly great Halloween season is upon us!  Join us at Refill Goodness for an exciting ‘Lotions and Potions’ workshop, where you will learn how to make a whipped Shea Butter lotion and customize it with natural scents (essential oils). You will be able to learn about a variety of oils as well as their unique benefits. 

Just in time for colder weather, the Body Butter you create will help your skin stay nourished and hydrated. We will be using all-natural ingredients so that you do not hurt your skin with chemicals found in other skin care products on the market.

If you choose to make a Potion, let your creativity flow! Love Potion, Sleep Potion, Fortune Making Potion, Healing Potion, Wellness Potion, etc. A variety of crystals will be offered to add to your blends! Crystals are often used as an alternative healing technique; they can work in many different ways, but they assist us mentally, physically and spiritually. 

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